
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Science, fire, fresh squeezed orange juice and fun...

Sundays are our only family day. Our church has 2 services Saturday nights which works great so we have Sunday's all day to do whatever we want. The kids usually stay in their jammies if we don't have plans. I also love being able to keep the kids engaged in activities that they can learn from. Today was one of those days. The house did get so messy though that my husband couldn't stand it anymore so he got the kids to help him clean while I showered. Nice!

Today, it's so cold here in Southern California that we started a fire last night. Really, it was 47 degrees farenheit, that's cold. Anyway, that fire we started last night was still making a little noise this morning. Yes, there are glass doors on the fireplace. Then about an hour after we got up we saw flames, it re-lit. That same fire has been burning all day as we are adding wood to it. I love having enough wood to keep the fire going this long.

The kids were getting a little restless not wanting us to relax anymore so I decided to look for some kitchen science experiments for kids. There are some good ones out there but we only had the stuff for a couple experiments. Tomorrow morning I have a few extra items added to my grocery list.

This is supposed to be a homemade lava lamp. It didn't quite work. One set of instructions said you needed oil, water and food coloring. Another one had antacids on the list. We will be picking up antacids.

This little experiment is pretty cool, stalactites and stalagmites are supposed to grow on the yarn. The camera didn't pick it up, but it is starting already. They are supposed to start to appear in about 3 days.

L's attention span isn't quite as good as C's for this kind of stuff yet. She just wants to get her hands in everything. Maybe next time I'll just give her a bowl of cornstarch and water. That's when my husband decided to clean and take the kids out to pick some oranges. They cut 1/2 the oranges before I could take a picture, you can't see any of the blood oranges.

Here is one left on the counter. YUMMY! They smell even better then they look.

C and L love to squeeze the orange juice.

Time to relax before nap. C has to make sure there is enough heat coming out of the fireplace.

 A little more play for L.

Enjoy the moments!

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