
Monday, March 28, 2011


Well, we are back from our wonderful, quiet, fun, relaxing, short 4 day vacation in Death Valley. I guess it rained at home all weekend but, in Death Valley it was a perfect, beautiful 78 degrees fahrenheit. Anyhow, while I was gone I didn't fully get away from crafting, what would a vacation be with out a little bit of knitting. At least I could kint in the car on a 6 hour drive, right. I have always kind of liked long drives. Their relaxing. I remember as a kid driving up highway 395 oh so very often laying down across the front seat watching the reflections in the window. I never could totally sleep in the car. My sister would always be asleep in the back. Now, I can knit and drive to relaxing things together.

Well... sometimes. Here is what it can be like to knit in the car.

Or should I say more like this...

My yarn was all tangled so I had to un-do it and roll it into a ball. It was a bit bumpy at this point. After that, it went much more smoothly.

Here it is almost finished by the time we got there.

I finished that one then started another.

I'm thinking either this pink or a blue flower on this one.

 I almost finished the yellow one, I think it needs a tassel. The multicolored one is the one you saw earlier.

Here are a few more beanies Lacey wanted to model this morning.

These will become gifts or I can sell them. I really haven't decided yet.

Here are some past gifts to others.

Here are all the beanies I have on hand. I was thinking about making a bunch and going to a boutique or something. I have some other stuff I have made also that I am thinking about selling.

If you have any thoughts, feel free to comment.

I am linking with:
It's a Blog Party
Anything Relatedgiveaways


  1. Busy busy! I love to knit in the car. I cannot read in the car, but I can knit....thank goodness!

    Won't you stop over to my blog and link up to Fibers on Friday...a knitting and crochet party!

  2. Welcome to Fibers on friday! Thanks for linking up!

  3. The models are so adorable I had to scroll through again to stop and look at the hats :-) The hats are adorable, too!
