
Thursday, March 31, 2011

DIY Chicken Coop

Oh boy! Am I glad we are done?! We, well, Mr. C has been working on our chicken coop for the last 2 weeks. He has been working on it when he gets off work at 7 pm or at lunch and on little breaks here and there from work. What a wonderful husband I have. We have been so busy and he did this so we can have our chickens.

Here is his first trip back from Home Depot and a friends house that had some extra plywood. This is something very interesting with the way he works, he goes to Home Depot for every step of the project. He will only buy what he needs that day, not what he thinks he will need for the entire project.

C was very excited to help with the coop.

Here is our framing wood.

It's mostly framed.

Look how hard C is working on the coop.

L too, she's good at checking up on daddy.

The top is where they have privacy to lay their eggs.

Almost done, just needs 1 wall with a cut out and a front door.

We choose bright red like a barn. I thought it would be a fun cheery color.

 The top still needs a door.

Here it is! Yea, finally all done. I love the hardware Mr. C picked for the doors. We have one door for the big part and one where I can sneak in and get the eggs.

Inside are some Easter baskets we got for the chickens. The baskets are better then the cubbies because they are cheap and easy to replace when they get old and yucky.

Check back tomorrow for part 2: Bringing home the Chickens


1 comment:

  1. hiya , lucky you with your coop i have it on my wish list so i might just leave this page open on the desk tfs
