
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Window Trim Paint

We live in this old house that is pretty much in it's original state. It's been somewhat kept up, but not upgraded. We rent so there is only so much we can do to make it nice. Basically, we can paint. The original part of the house was built in the 50's as a maid's courters. The original house was a 1 bed room. A huge 900 sq ft living room was added on in the 70's. and sometime I think in the 80's a second bedroom was added on. The layout is actually very open and perfect for us. You would think it would be choppy because of the multiple add-ons, but it's not. Anyway the whole house has this 50's wood trim everywhere. Neutral colors don't go well with it at all. So, when I painted the family room and master bed room I had to pick colors. Eventually, I painted the kids room and I wanted to do a neutral since I have a boy and a girl sharing so I decided to pain the trim white. I loved it! It looked so much better. Trim is such a pain to paint, but it is so worth it.

Now I am setting out to finishing painting. I have moved to the master bedroom. It has blue walls with this ugly 50's yellow-brown wood.

The blinds are almost a perfect match. The trim and the blinds together make the house look old and dark.

The windows are original also. The trim has all kinds of paint on it from previous renters painting badly. And, yes, this window is looking out to the chimney outside the living room which is also our entryway. It's the room that wasn't originally there. But there are two other windows in our bedroom so this view doesn't really matter.

Well, here is the finished window.

Even the blinds look better.

It feels so clean and fresh. Now I have one double wide window and the bathroom cabinets to paint.


  1. You are on my list of new bloggy friends!

  2. i love what you did there isnt it amazing what a lick of white paint can do ? lovin your blog and i will be back
