
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Long Sleeves

Well, I have finally had a chance to make a long sleeve shirt that is just so comfortable. Too bad it's 95 degrees Fahrenheit today! Thats ok, I will get a chance to wear it soon enough. I had this white shirt that I love wearing. I even wear it to the gym it's so comfy. I knew I need another, maybe many more.

Now, I know I said I would do a tutorial on long sleeves, but this shirt was SO easy to trace that I didn't have to draft my own sleeves. I can however, give some tips on tracing clothing and adjusting your pattern...

I had to do some fixing...

So I did...

And I made this...

Picture courtesy of C. It's so comfy and the material is so soft. I don't know how to make things on fabric yet, but I want a little pint in the lower left corner of the front. Any ideas on how to do it?? I want some kind of grey animal, maybe a giraffe or elephant or monkey.

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