
Friday, May 13, 2011


I love food fresh from the garden. The other day we had this...

It ended up here a couple nights later...

Then it found it's way here...

And here...

And finally became this...

It's amazing how much better fresh from the garden food tastes. These artichokes had so much flavor. L's plate was completely empty after dinner, she kept saying, "Mommy, I want more artichoke, I need more food." I love hearing that when it comes to fresh organic veggies.

It was originally little C's idea to plant the artichokes, he has been waiting and waiting till we can eat them. Needless to say he was very excited.

Here is a little tip for those organic gardeners out there that are also having trouble with earwigs. When you cut the artichoke off, tap it upside down first, then look inside the petals (or what ever you call them) for any earwigs hiding, knock those out, then soak it in a bowl of water before you refrigerate. This so far has keep me from finding earwigs roaming around my refrigerator or finding a surprise little extra protein in our meal.

Earwigs and rolly polly's (woodlice) are the worst! I can not figure out how to get rid of them yet. If you have any tips for me, I'd love to hear it.


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