
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Upfashioned Swim Trunks

I have had these old swim trunks of my husbands for about a year and a half now. I have wanted to make little C some swim trunks out of them, but I just haven't felt excited about it. This year C finally needs some and I saw a little post on made that inspired me. Too bad I didn't get a before picture for you guys.

The only thing I needed was elastic. The string was already on the original shorts.

They are so easy because I made them with out a side seam. This is probably the second easiest thing I've ever sewed. I love doing pants/shorts without a side seam. I did it on L's bloomers for her upcycled dress.

Here is the front, I reused the string and the little flap that it ties through. I did have to cut it down a little.

I also used the original pocket to the shorts. No cutting on there because there is no side seam. See, easy!

They are a little long and a tad loose so there is room to grow since this boy seems to grow every other week!


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1 comment:

  1. He looks so proud in his new trunks, sweet! And you know, with growing boys, the swimwear is even cooler, the longer it is! ;o)
