
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Yummy 4th of July

It was my turn to bring dessert to our weekly taco Tuesday and I wanted something with strawberries so this is what I came up with.

It was SO yummy! I just couldn't get enough. C isn't too fond of strawberries so I got to eat all his. Strange kid.

Here is the recipe if you'd like:

6 lbs strawberries
1 pkg instant vanilla pudding (bigger one)
1 bigger container cool whip
1 box vanilla wafers
some blueberries

I typically don't measure when I cook, so this is as good as you are going to get. Anyway, to make it, first make the pudding. Once the pudding sets up, fold in the cool whip. Then Layer vanilla wafers on the bottom, pudding/cool whip mix and strawberries. Repeat but on the top layer, add stripes of strawberries and use the blueberries for the stars part of the flag.

This dessert was SO yummy!!

I'm linking with:

1 comment:

  1. Aww man this looks so yummy. I made a red, white and blue fruit platter but yours I could just dive into! Thanks for sharing!
