
Friday, August 19, 2011

Birthday Time

Today is C's birthday. I can't believe he is 6! Six is a BIG birthday for me. I don't know why, I really didn't expect it, but it's huge.

Both my parents growing up always made us feel so special on our birthdays. My dad would always sing to me first thing in the morning even as I grew up and moved out, he would call me bright an early, I would answer the phone to singing. My mom always made it such a huge deal that I was another year older. Those are just a couple of the little things that stood out to me.

For my kids birthdays I like to do the same. I always make birthday pancakes for C because pancakes are his favorite. He also loves hearts because they mean love. I also let him choose dinner and he picked individual pizzas. I don't have any pictures because L was the photographer and she got video instead.

C got as many pancakes as he wanted and he couldn't finish them all. He had one with peanut butter and agave, one with powdered sugar and cinnamon and one with just agave.

After breakfast and a little last minute shopping for his party tomorrow, we went to the park with some good friends. They made the day special for him by bringing some ice cream and candles. We sang happy birthday and he ate it before his lunch! That is a huge deal for me. He will probably never forget that!

After the park we came home and had quiet time for C and nap for L. Then C got up early to help me stuff the goodie bags for the party tomorrow.

The hiking essentials are going in the re-usable hand made sacs. I don't like extra trash or junk so this is what we came up with.

Tomorrow C is having a backyard camp out with what should be the most amazing cake. It's something C and I came up with together (he the decoration and me the recipe). I sure hope it's good. I will be sharing all the campout fun with you Sunday. Tomorrow we will be camping in the yard.


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