
Friday, August 12, 2011

Fabric and lots to do!

C has a big birthday coming up and I have a lot to do for it! We decided on a backyard campout for his party and I thought it would be fun to make the kids little sacks to take along on their hikes with snack packs for their trail mix. Look at all the cute out doorsy fabric I got.

Too bad I procrastinated! My husband and I are going to be gone for the next 4 days celebrating our 10 year anniversary and C's birthday party is 4 days later. That means I have 4 days to get everything done. At least I did manage to get to the fabric store today. That's one thing off my list. But after the party C starts school in a week. Oh my goodness! That's what I think every time I think about it. My little baby boy is going to kindergarten. It's so weird.

Well, onto what I have today, this is a girl scout fabric for the girls. The checkered is going to be the snack pack and the solid, the straps.

Here is a boy scout fabric. The red seems to look best with all of them. I should have listened to C when he said not to get the green checkered.

And another boy scout fabric. C couldn't decide between the two. That's ok, we'll use it all.

Of course I couldn't leave without a little something for me. The striped ribbed knit was $1.97 a yard! I thought the brown and white would go with a sear sucker that I have, but it didn't. Oh well, I still like it.

After about 12 bags and snack packs, 1 table cloth and a YUMMY cake that I will share later I need to get sewing for school.


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