
Monday, October 31, 2011

My little Pirate

I was so not into Halloween until today this year. I just don't know why. Maybe because Mr. C doesn't ever want to dress up and if I'm not dressing up, what fun is that. But, today was C's class party. He choose to be a pirate, I didn't want to spend a lot of money, so I got some pants from the Goodwill and cut them, cut an old t-shirt, got a little fabric and pirate accessories.

This is what we came up with between, little C, Mr. C and I.

Doesn't he look so mean? He's trying.

Here is our Witches Brew. One of the other room mom's does this every year. I just loved it. It's just a chunk of dry ice and hot water. You have to keep adding to it, I think 10 lbs last about an hour.

Here is my pirate in plain clothes. He needs to shave still.


Sunday, October 23, 2011

Rag Rug

Well, it's a work in progress, but I finally got my rag rug started. Here is my long braid. I love all the different colors.

Usually I will knit on a long drive and last week we went to the Grand Canyon. Since I have been dying to get one of these made, I decided to do this instead of knitting on our drive.

Unfortunately, I ran out of fabric so I couldn't finish with 4 hours left in the drive home. But, when I am done, it will go great in my 70's kitchen. I feel like if you can't change it, just go with it.

It will be a while before it's done, I need scraps to make it. I feel like it's a waist to buy beautiful fabric and cut it into scraps, I have make something with it first.

I really like the way the browns turned out in it.


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Hat from Scraps

I love I am Mama Hear Me Roar, she is crazy creative. On her site, I found these upcycled little boy hats I've been wanting to do forever! Well, since I had some old girl shirts, I decided to do a girly one for L. Mine turned out a little more plain then Cheri's did, but like I've said before, I'm not all that creative. Here are the pieces I cut for her hat.

The same day she had a little friend over so I made one for her also. Here they are without any embellishments.

Here I started adding stuff to L's hat. I still want to get some embroidery thread and make some cute designs in L's hat.

I'm glad L loves wearing her new little hat.


Monday, October 10, 2011

Ammo Sash

C is modeling yet another girl item. My poor boy. Although this one, he really didn't mind. It is an ammo sash for some nerf dart guns he got for his friend's birthday. She is a very girly girl, so I had to make it girly. C was so excited about this little sash that he can't wait for me to make him one.

C kept asking me, "Mommy can you make me one now?" "Can you make it right when we get home?" "When will you be able to make it?" "Can mine be in camo?"

He is a blurry close up. That happens when I am sewing up until 15 minutes before we have to leave and I still need to take a shower. I rush through the pictures and they just don't turn out very cute. I will have to do amazing :-) pictures when I make C's sash. If I can.


Sunday, October 9, 2011

DIY Trellis

Mr. C is totally motivated to get our garden going again. He just got to read his Mother Earth magazine this week and was very excited about the trellis made of sticks from the yard and we definitely have plenty of sticks laying around.

Isn't he just so sexy?! I just love it when he's being green. :-) Working on our garden and doing it with little impact. A man after my own heart.

We had our 2 kids + 3 more this week and Mr. C decided to do it that day, he took all 5 kids on a little hike down our very steep hill and collected all the sticks he needed for the trellis.

Here is the finished trellis. This box will hopefully grow snow peas. We will see in about a month.

Don't you just love all the weeds around the outside. That was my brilliant idea to grow alfalfa as a cover crop. That stuff sure was a pain! Oh well, you live, you learn.


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Boy Pants

I have tried and tried to make C some pants. But, they always seem to be little snug and girly. What is it that Winnie the Pooh says? "Try, Try again." Well, that's what I'm doing.

Can you tell in the windows, it was raining today. It went from being almost 90 a couple days ago to being 60 degrees and raining today. C has about 3 pairs of pants from last year that I just realized this morning are all about 2 inches too short. We don't need many pants here in Southern California, but a couple pairs is helpful. So, I tried again with some fleece because C LOVES fleece. I used an old pair of shorts for the pockets to add a little style to the pants.

Now, your turn to tell me honestly what you think. These are my best pair yet, but Mr. C things they look like potato sac's and are too dorky and girly. He did say I am getting better though. I don't think they are THAT bad. C loves them and says they are his favorite. I think the beanie brings the outfit together.


Monday, October 3, 2011

Nursing Covers

Here are some of my lovely nursing covers.

Do you remember that lovely fabric I got this weekend? Well, I got right to work making nursing covers and snack packs.

I'm hoping to do a boutique this year. Right now the snack packs are more girly, don't worry I'm making boy ones too. We just only have boy ones in the house so I thought I'd make a bunch of girly ones.


Saturday, October 1, 2011


I am actually getting orders for my little snack packs! I am so excited. Not only because people want to buy what I am making, but because there will be so many less plastic bags that might end up in the ocean or filling up the land fills.

Here is what I bought to get started.

I will be making Nursing Covers and Snack Packs. The nursing covers I like to give to my clients when they have a baby. I am a doula part time, so it's a little new mommy gift. I always have about 5 made at a time so I'm not scrambling to make them right after the baby is born. It's also nice to take one to the hospital for the mom so she can use it when visitors come if she wants.

It totally have to give my disclaimer on nursing covers. I by no means think a mom should have to cover up to breastfeed. I think a mom should feed her baby anywhere, anyhow she needs to. In-fact I think more moms should nurse in public so that kids can grow up seeing that babies are fed that way and so we have one big community of nursing moms supporting each other. There just isn't enough support for breastfeeding moms and that's why so many moms feel like they can't nurse their child. Anyway, I give them because a lot of new moms find it easier and more relaxed to get the baby latched under the cover when they are learning how.

Anyway, off my little soapbox. I just love this fabric!

I didn't find any boy fabric this time at the store. I was going for bright colors and looking for purples. The green will also make a nice little skirt for L. She wants another long skirt. She actually wants it to go to her ankles.

Now, I am off to get it out of the dryer and iron.


Silly Little Shirt

This week at school it's Childhood Obesity Prevention Week and each day the kids are supposed to wear a specific color. They are also asked to bring a fruit or veggie in that same color. Wednesday was purple and C doesn't own a single purple shirt. He has a Laker beanie, but it was too hot for that. So, C wanted me to sew some purple on a shirt he already had. Of course not so creative me said, "I can do that, but what do you want me to sew on it?"

C came up with this...

A cross on the front and a picture of him on the back.

I new I could do that if I used the first little image of himself that he drew.

It's kind of corny, but it has meaning. So, I like it.
