
Saturday, October 1, 2011


I am actually getting orders for my little snack packs! I am so excited. Not only because people want to buy what I am making, but because there will be so many less plastic bags that might end up in the ocean or filling up the land fills.

Here is what I bought to get started.

I will be making Nursing Covers and Snack Packs. The nursing covers I like to give to my clients when they have a baby. I am a doula part time, so it's a little new mommy gift. I always have about 5 made at a time so I'm not scrambling to make them right after the baby is born. It's also nice to take one to the hospital for the mom so she can use it when visitors come if she wants.

It totally have to give my disclaimer on nursing covers. I by no means think a mom should have to cover up to breastfeed. I think a mom should feed her baby anywhere, anyhow she needs to. In-fact I think more moms should nurse in public so that kids can grow up seeing that babies are fed that way and so we have one big community of nursing moms supporting each other. There just isn't enough support for breastfeeding moms and that's why so many moms feel like they can't nurse their child. Anyway, I give them because a lot of new moms find it easier and more relaxed to get the baby latched under the cover when they are learning how.

Anyway, off my little soapbox. I just love this fabric!

I didn't find any boy fabric this time at the store. I was going for bright colors and looking for purples. The green will also make a nice little skirt for L. She wants another long skirt. She actually wants it to go to her ankles.

Now, I am off to get it out of the dryer and iron.


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