
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Work Bench

Remember that beautiful hand crafted table I got from my husband? Well, he hurt his back 2 times while making it. Yes, a chiropractor hurt his back 2 times in 2 weeks! Because of this, he insisted that he needed a work bench. He left for Home Depot one day and came back with all the supplies and now this is what is in our garage.

It is all organized now, but it won't be long before it looks like this...

At least daddy and son have matching benches now.

They can work together. It is very cute. Plus, remember my table? Well, I'm already getting a bench to go with it. It should be done in about 2 days. I am so excited.


1 comment:

  1. Cute work bench! Loved your farm table and can't wait to see the bench!!
