
Monday, May 14, 2012

I'm back!

Wow! It has been a while since I have posted anything. I haven't actually been sewing much. I just haven't had the time. There are a few things I have done here and there that I will be posting but first a little of what we have been doing.

Crafty Kids:

This is a little project C decided to do because he found this perfect stick. It was a secret from me until they were done.

Riding bikes to the beach:

Digging holes:

Playing in the water while trying to stay warm.

So, for today, that's it. I have a couple projects have finished, some Mr. C is working on and one HUGE one that I can't wait to share. It should be up in the coming weeks. Thanks for being patient with my time away from the blog. Sometimes, life just gets too busy.

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