
Friday, June 22, 2012

Demo - Day 4 and 5

I was hoping to be done with demo by now. But between Mr. C and I, more projects keep getting added to our list. I decided I wanted recessed lighting before the wood floors go in upstairs. If we don't do it now, we never will. Then Mr. C decided to take apart the kids bathroom just incase it leaks too. Everything leaks! I think we are almost finally done with demo, and we should be painting by Tuesday next week.

 First up are more roaches! The night after the bombs we set off, the termite tent went up.

Apparently the bomb didn't get all of them. I am so glad we did both and now we have roach bate out for them. See all those little dots? Those are babies.

All the tile in the entry is a much bigger job then I thought. It finally got finished today. I am so happy about that! Thanks Reed!

Here is a quick before of the entry to jog your memory.

And now, look what we have done.

Here is our master bath. All gone. Plus, the squishy sound board is gone along with millions of little staples. That was a days job. It's ready for plywood.

That bathroom leads me to the dump. I had a pick-up truck full of concrete to unload all by my self. It was so heavy, it went over the usual fee of $20 for a pick-up. Now, THAT was hard work. I think the guy working there felt bad for me because he went and collected all kids of things to give to me, I got a new hose, 2 new toilet seats still in their packaging, a towel bar, paint supplies and perfume all in their original packaging. All that from the dump!

Yes, I understand, that pile doesn't look so big when it is on the ground, but there is part of it on the side of the truck.

See how dirty I am, it was only an hour and a half into my day. Yes, I know it's blurry, but it's the only picture I have of me. I need proof I'm doing all this work.

We have fossils in our house.

You never know what is in your house till you tear apart walls. Now we know that everything is done right and there are no more leaky pipes, the pests are all gone and our house will be like new.

It's messy, but the trees are cut WAY back!

Now, I need to go to bed so I can get up early and work some more.

Finish removing tile in family room.
Demo kids bathroom.
Drywall prep

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