
Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Here is a little update I was going to give you last week, but we have got carried away in everything. We have been packing and waiting. All prepared to start demo on our house on Saturday. Here is what packing looks like when L isn't unpacking everything...

Bubble wrap is not popped,

boxes get filled,

and neatly stacked for moving day.

We were supposed to get our keys Friday night, but the current resident decided not to move out of our house on Friday. So, she said Saturday night late. We got a call at 11 pm saying Sunday at noon. We spent our weekend waiting... and waiting... and waiting.

Finally, Sunday at 11:30 am, we got a call, the key was under a rock by the mail box!

We were so relieved! We started a day and a half late, but we got to start finally.

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