
Monday, November 4, 2013

I'm Sewing again!!

Wow! It has been a long time. Not just from my blog, but from sewing. It's been a year and a half since I've sewn anything aside from a little mending. It is wonderful to create and sew once again. I am finding I love making patterns especially when the finished product turns out the way I wanted it too. I am not a fan of sewing the same thing twice. 

Halloween was my second sewing project back. (I will have to take pictures of my first project and all the stupid mistakes.) 

For Halloween, I put the wonderful idea in L's head that she could be Blueberry Muffin. We already had the skirt and I had an old blue dress that I was ready to make into something else. There ya go, one cheap costume, just my style. I couldn't find the right fabric, blue with blue polk-a-dots for the shirt, so we came up with a pink shirt and used the dress for the blue cropped sleeve knit cardigan. (Not sure what exactly it's called.) 

L was very specific about having 2 buttons, she was also very particular about the placement of the buttons. The best picture of the outfit I had was in my phone, so it's a terrible picture. I'm not used to blogging so, I'm not taking blog specific pictures. 

Anyway, here it is. She insisted on tucking the shirt into bow on her skirt. Even though I didn't have the right material, I wanted the shirt to have the scallops at the bottom.

What a lovely wig!

Here is a better picture at school on Halloween. I didn't get her ready for school that morning and I was not thrilled about the slicked look to the blue hair.

The buttons weren't that important once it came to trick-or-treating. The first time we took her trick-or-treating, I brought a wagon, (she was 1 and a half) because I thought no way would she walk from house to house. I was totally wrong, she ran from house to house and kept going long after her brother was asking to go home. Things haven't changed much.

Here is the rest of the trick-or-treating crew.

It's fun to sew again and I'm figuring out how I can find time to sew again! See you soon.


1 comment:

  1. aw yay! I haven't been sewing, my machine needs to be fixed, I sewed over a safety pin o.O
