
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Bathroom Remodel

Finally, our yucky, yucky bathroom is getting re modeled! Yay! The sink barley dripped out water, the floor was discussing and the toilet was hardly cleanable.

At first glance it wasn't so bad.

But you take a closer look and here is what you see.

We pulled out that old linoleum and put in some nice cheap Home Depot tile.

Then, there was the shower. I scrubbed and scrubbed the shower so many times and this is the cleanest it would get.

We went for a nice quick fix where we just had it sprayed with a new finish. (I'm not sure what it is called.) It turned out great, clean and bright white. 

Then, replace a toilet, sink, mirror and light. We actually bought the sink and light over a year ago when our local Home Depot moved and had it's clearance. So, it's been stored till we got the energy for another project. Actually till I just couldn't handle it anymore.

Out with the old...

In with the new…

We also put a nice fresh coat of paint. It's a light grey that goes nicely with the light green in the room outside the bathroom.

This is the almost completed bathroom. I need to hang the hand towel rack and we need a shower door. Plus, once it was all put in and the sink was plumbed, we tested it, all the new plumbing worked great, but we saw water seeping through wall. Now we have to cut out drywall and fix more plumbing. At least it looks nice while I muster up the motivation to do drywall work.

1 comment:

  1. I love the new look of your bathroom! It's simple but looks much more inviting than before. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you have found the motivation to finish your bathroom project. :)

    Tiffanie Dinger @
