
Monday, July 21, 2014

Glacier National Park

When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world. - John Muir

So long ago, John Muir saw the affects humans had on the wilderness. How much harm we could do. Glacier National Park had about 150 glaciers in 1850 and most were still there in 1910. By 2010, there were only about 25 glaciers larger then 25 acres left. By 2030, it is estimated that there will be no more remaining glaciers in Glacier National Park!

Glaciers are another amazing part of the wilderness. The lakes that come from them are such a unique color of milky blue. It was really important to me that the kids got to see this before the glaciers are all gone. So, we got up super early to be on the road by 6 am! That was hard considering we have been walking up at 9 am.

Being out that early was so totally worth it! I can't even describe how the fog and the clouds all looked, it was just so peaceful.

The forest in the lower part of Glacier was so thick! We drove to catch the shuttle to take the "Going to the Sun Road." It is said to be one of the most beautiful roads in the world.

On the start of our drive, the fog started to lift into the sky...

and they revealed amazing peaks in the distance.

One of my favorite parts of the drive is how many waterfalls there were. They were around every turn! I couldn't believe it. There were so many I lost count.

This waterfall was awesome, going under the road.

My least favorite part of the drive was how close we were to the edge of a straight cliff most of the way. There was even still a bit of ice on the road. Even though it freaked me out, riding in the back of the bus with a driver that I didn't know, I was still able to appreciate the beauty. Can you imagine building that road? I sure am glad many others have driven over it before me. It looks like it can just crumble.


The only hike that was open at Logan Pass (the highest part of the drive) was to Hidden Lake Lookout. Everybody that was in the park decided to do that hike.

Can you see that line of people going along the trail? It was like we were all being herded or it was Moses leading the exodus Egypt.

It got a bit cold in spots.

The ranger said we could go anywhere on the snow as long as there was snow. We were not aloud to walk on any vegetation. Of course, Craig had the idea to walk straight up the hill in the snow. It was a little more work, but the kids had fun.

More wild life! There were a ton of mountain goats. So far on this trip, we have seen about 3 black bears, 3 grizzly bears, elk, tons of bison, deer, marmots and mountain goats!

There were tons of goats and babies. They were everywhere and didn't seem to notice all the people staring at them. 

Hidden Lake! We made it to the look out. The actual lake is closed because of grizzly activity. I wish we could have seen another one. The grizzly's we saw were so far away, we couldn't really see the massiveness of them.

On the way back, little C tried to slide on his feet. Every time, he'd end up on his butt.

Another waterfall on the road!

Back in the bus for the ride down. This time the friendly bus driver let me ride in the front with the window down. (I didn't feel so well on the way up!) Much better on the way down.

See the color of the river? It is so pretty. It is even more blue in a lake that is the direct melt from a glacier. We only did one hike because it took so long and the kids were exhausted. I really wanted to do a lake, the lake we were going to do had about 8 waterfalls going into it. We are definitely going to have to make another trip to Glacier National Park and spend more then a day there!

Before heading back to the cabin, Craig wanted to stop at the lake and take a nap. Only after skipping a few rocks.

Finally, we couldn't leave without getting sworn in as Junior Rangers. This Ranger works at Joshua Tree National Park in the winter! Someone from one of our home parks. What a huge contrast, Glacier NP to Joshua Tree NP!

I'll see you next time from Bend, Oregon.

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