
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Mammoth Hot Springs

Take a course in good water and air; and in the eternal youth of Nature you may renew your own. Go quietly, alone; no harm will befall you. - John Muir

We went up to the northern part of Yellowstone to meet our friends that we are staying at the cabin with. I was very excited to see it, thinking we could go in hot springs.

It was quite beautiful, but we couldn't go in them. We wouldn't have wanted to anyway when we got there. It was so hot. It felt and looked like we were in the desert.

This is a dormant geyser cone.

Doesn't she look scared?

Now do they look scared? It's a real grizzly! Aren't they brave?

The hot springs really were amazing to look at, but with 100 other people on the board walk it kind of took away from the nature feel. On the way back we decided to do a little hike, just about 3 miles round trip with a huge elevation change going down to the bridge. It was also very hot and dry. We thought it would be easy because it was only 1.5 miles there. We also thought the bridge would be so cool.

The bridge was cool, but not what I was expecting, I thought it was going to be a swinging bridge. I was also pretty amazing being so high above the river.

Of course, here is the monkey. If he see's something to climb, he must climb it.

Here is all the kids, so cute & happy to be hiking together. We were supposed to have only 4, but that little brown one in the background decided to join us on the walk.

After the hike that was pretty difficult on the way up, we saw grizzly on the way back to camp. We have seen so much wild life! I love it. So far, tons of bison (of course), elk, deer, black bears and grizzly's. This was our second grizzly. We have also seen tons of little wild life, but that's not as exciting when we have squirrels running around our backyard at home.

We can't wait to see more wild life! We are still waiting for mountain goats and big horn sheep.

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