
Thursday, July 3, 2014

Road Trip: We made it to Grand Teton!

"The mountains are calling and I must go." John Muir

I know, this is an odd picture. But it has a story...

On our last day in Utah, we decided to go to a museum before watching the World Cup, but the directions went to a dead end. When we headed back we got stuck behind this train that stopped. We turned around to find a way past the tracks, but the train started going the other direction. So, we went back to wait. As soon as we got to the tracks again, the train stopped again. Then we started to turn around, but guess what? The train started going back the original direction. Craig decided to turn the engine off and wait. While we waited the train started going back and forth, each time it got a little closer to giving us just enough room to pass. Eventually we were able to pass, but not with enough time for the museum.

After the very disappointing World Cup, we took a little walk around camp and packed up to go to Wyoming. Here is a little of our journey. We were hoping to leave the mosquitos in Utah!

To me the most beautiful thing about Utah was all the mountains everywhere you looked.

When we finally got to the Great Salt Lake, the sun was setting. The lake was absolutely beautiful! It looked like an ocean from where we were. It was time for dinner so we pulled over and climbed up on top of the trailer to watch the sun set over the lake.

Here are the mountains looking to the east.

The only way we can get a picture of all of us is to take a group selfie.

We went a little further and stopped for the night. Since we drove an hour in the dark, I was very excited to see what Idaho looked like. (Yes, I expected each state to look different.) To me it did, Idaho was also a lot of mountains, but they were very green mountains. Utah mountains were bare and Idaho's were covered with greenery. It was green everywhere.

We reached Freedom.

Then made a turn right into Wyoming and what is the first thing Craig notices?

Yup, a huge firework warehouse. That sign they are standing under says, "No smoking within 50 feet."

All reason and budget goes out the window when a grown man sees fireworks that have been illegal in So Cal for the last 20 years. I can not even begin to tell you how excited Craig was to see these fire works. Not only were they huge, they were the good ones that CA does allow any more even in the cities fireworks are coming back.

After the firework stop, I got to enjoy the scenery again.

Wyoming is very cute.

Jackson, WY

After we pass Jackson, we see the Tetons, they are amazing and we are getting so excited to get there. 

Sadly, we got to our campground and it was like a parking lot. We went into the park to find that there really was reservations and everything was full except for a handicap site that they had to hold till 6 pm.

We went on a walk while we waited till 6, but I was too anxious so we went over to the campground to wait and they decided to give it to us early! We were thrilled! I can not even tell you how much better it has made this trip. We can ride our bikes to the lake and the trails. The campsite is totally private, clean and in the trees.

It was a long 2 days of driving, but we are doing a lot of hiking to make up for it. Aside from being covered in mosquito bites, more then we can even count, the trip is perfect. I think if we were to come all this way, we would drive straight up with just an over night stop instead of drag it out. 

Since we don't have wifi at the campsite the hiking pictures will come later. It will be a couple days in-between. But until then...

"The mountains are calling and I must go." John Muir

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