
Saturday, October 17, 2015

The calm before the storm

I have 2 weeks to use my kitchen. I may be missing cabinets, but it is fully functional! Since I have all this kitchen to use, I took advantage of it and spent lots of time baking, cooking and making toiletries.

I have been out of lotion at Mr. C's office for a while, so I made a huge double batch.

While I was making that, I cooked up a little extra strength deodorant and I think I lost a couple pictures that I took of it. All I have of the deodorants are the labels.

I also baked some paleo muffins, paleo bread, french toast casserole, energy balls, coconut banana cookies all while it was around 100 degrees with over 50% humidity. Yep, it's fall, but it sure doesn't feel like it.

This weekend I am packing up my kitchen because every little bit I do leaves us more money that can be put into the kitchen. I am getting very excited. Next time you see a picture of my kitchen that black and green granite won't be there anymore!

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