
Friday, February 19, 2016

Re-Finised Oak Table

We have a very small dinning area in our house. There is only one dinning area and it is right infant of the slider to the back yard and we have a big rectangle table in the space. It has always felt cramped, so I have been pinning round tables on pintrest for quite a while now. I finally got inspired enough to buy one on Craig's List and refinish it myself.  

I choose a more simple table because I tend to get impatient with little details. I also needed one with a leaf so when guests do come over, we have enough space for everyone to eat. After months of looking at tables but not feeling motivated enough to actually buy one and after it sat in my garage for about 1-2 weeks, I started sanding away.

I thought it would be so easy with the puppy, she loves to be out front so, I thought I could just tie her up to the the long leash and she would enjoy smelling and watching everything. Unfortunately, I forgot how much she loves to be right where I am ever second of the day.

Luckily, the sanding was pretty easy and the kids wanted to take Roxy on a nice little walk. I love when they can be helpful. Too bad it's not more often. 

I choose Kona stain for the top and the same white (white dove from Benjamin Moore) for the bottom that my kitchen cabinets are done in.

Here is my table without a center piece. It fits perfectly in the spot!

The table was actually very easy to re-finish! However I still have some finishing touches on it. I want to lightly sand the white, add one more coat of pain then put some polyurethane on it. I ended up choosing an egg shell to have more of a matted look, but everybody that see's it seems to think the satan would look better.

The problem is, now that it is in my house, I don't want to take it out again to do that little bit. Maybe I'll get motivated next week when it is not either over 90 out or raining.

It also works well as a sewing table!

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