
Friday, July 22, 2016

Costa Rica... Our first impression

Costa Rica, it has always been the one place Dr. C has wanted to go as long as I could remember. Finally our kids are old enough and we can do all the adventures we want while we are here so now is the time.

Our trip started with taking a flight that left at midnight. It's a 5 hour flight and I figured the kids would sleep the whole way. Once we got in the air, the cabin lights went on and drinks were served! I couldn't believe on an over night flight they turned the lights on. So, these 2 ended up getting about 3 hours of sleep. At least it was some sleep.

Then we arrive and the car rental that I thought was such a great deal was outrageous because of the added insurance. But, we are here so we let it go and are going to enjoy the almost 2 weeks we have. Exhausted, we got on the road, almost immediately, Dr. C is saying how much he loves this place. It really is beautiful! Everything is so green!

L was so tired, she was out pretty quickly in the car.

Until we stopped for breakfast... Then she was out again.

This is just some of the view on the road...

Later on this long 3 hour drive, the road got so curvy! It felt like I was on a never ending roller coaster. It would be turning so sharp to the right and all of a sudden switch to the left and Dr. C, not taking his time would make the car throw my body. All of this wasn’t sitting well with my stomach. I was thinking this day was going to be forever long and I just wanted to go to bed! But that got us to open the windows and hear all that different sounds the jungle has to offer.

Finally, we got to the hotel 3 hours before check in and our room was ready! Here is looking out the front door of our hotel room...

Here is the door on the other side...

We took a nap, had lunch and explored the pools that are fed fresh from the hot springs. I didn’t have high expectations for lunch because I have always heard the food here is so-so. I don’t know if I was just so starving or if the food was amazing, but I had the best salad ever. On of our dishes was a fillet minor salad and when it arrived, to my surprise, it was raw! But, what the hey, I’m in a new place, I might as well try how they make their food and it and it was amazing. I also ate 3 cherry tomatoes. (I hate tomatoes, but I was told they are different in Costa Rica.) They were edible here, that’s as far as I will go.

This is the view from our table...

This hotel is the perfect little slice of paradise in the jungle. There are a ton of pools with about 5 slides going into a different pool. All of pools are directly fed from the hot and cold springs.

After the pools we visited the different habitats they have here on the grounds, first is the crocodiles.

Butterfly gardens...

The flowers around here are so pretty!

Different view of the crocodile...

Turtles playing follow the leader. The 2 in the water are waiting to see if it's safe first.

We tried eating dinner in town hoping it would be a little less expensive, but not so much. Maybe we paid a little extra for this flaming plate. Anyhow, the food was amazing, even the kids loved it! Some new foods we tried at dinner were plantations (a less sweet cooked variety of banana) and papaya root. I thought I was going to be hungry this whole trip trying to find food without gluten and dairy. So far, so good. I think it’s the opposite, there is not much dairy and wheat and instead of starving, I'll just put on a few pounds.

After dinner we stopped at the town square and the kids and Craig had ice cream. (Tomorrow we are getting desert for me!) 

The night was topped off with a huge roach crawling on the bathroom counter. I’m not sure how I am going to sleep tonight. Costa Rica has certainly has its ups and downs, that’s for sure.

So far, our first impressions are, food is expensive but so far so good (lots of new things to try), roads are not marked well and people don’t even notice that there is a speed limit, the people are extremely nice and it is amazingly beautiful here. We haven’t seen graffiti or litter anywhere and it feels safer then at home. Everyone here is so happy! Oh and the bugs are not as bad as I expected!


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