
Saturday, August 6, 2016

Sunset Sailing

The thing I wanted to do most while we were at the beach was to take go on a catamaran and snorkel. Being on a sail boat is one of the most relaxing things and taking a snorkel cruise has always been one of our favorite things. We also hadn't done it since our honeymoon 15 years ago.

So, on this day we got up with a mission, to find a cruise we could take. We knew it would probably be the best day for it. We found a cruise, relaxed on the beach then went back to the condo for lunch and rest up for our cruise. I have to force Dr. C to not be so busy and just relax. 

Of course we found our way to the front for our favorite spot on the trampoline.

Little C said that he might like snorkeling better then zip lining. He absolutely loved diving down deep! He said it was relaxing. Funny thing is the snorkeling was terrible. We saw some fish, but nothing special or unusual. He did get to swim through a school of fish and thought that was really cool.

L had to hold my hand the whole time we swam and every like 30 seconds, she had to adjust her mask or her mouth piece. Maybe that's why I thought the snorkeling wasn't that good.

If you look really, really close, you can see two tiny people. That's Dr. C and little C paddle boarding. They saw a sea turtle.

This kid knows how to relax!

This one took about 15 minutes just to get her towels situated just right.

We even saw dolphins playing in the water and jumping all the way out of the water.

We met some nice people on the boat. A family from Switzerland, some honeymooners, a family that goes every year to Costa Rica and a group looking for the right beach to move to in Costa Rica.

L and I did a little dancing on the boat.

Finally, the sunset...

It is so neat to see everybody walking off the boat so relaxed and every single one of them smiling saying how amazing it was. It's almost like they are different people then when they got on the boat. There are no words to describe the peace and tranquility out on a sailboat and what it does to relax you body. I think this was one of my favorite days of the trip.


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