
Monday, November 13, 2017

Gluten & Corn Free Holiday: Stuffing

Stuffing! How do you have your turkey without Stuffing! I think it is the hardest around the holidays to be gluten free or have any dietary sensitivities for that matter. Cooking yourself is really the only way to ensure you will not be hurting after a big Thanksgiving feast. Luckily, Trader Joe's has been a huge help in this area. In our family, corn hurts us almost more then gluten. At least right away it does. So, when I found this boxed stuffing from Trader Joe's I was so excited!

For this evening I made the stuffing almost just like the box says. I followed the stove top directions but instead of water, I used turkey stock. Then I baked it at 350 until the tops were golden brown.

Another variation is to cook up some onions, celery and sausage (if you like walnuts, you can add those too) in a frying pan while the turkey stock is heating up. Then mix in the onions, celery and sausage with the stuffing before baking it.

I hope you enjoy your gluten and corn free Thanksgiving or Christmas dinners.

Kristen and Premier IFM

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