
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day

I hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial weekend. If one of your loved ones is currently serving, I pray for their safety and for a peaceful heart for you. It is an amazing sacrifice you do for all of us!

We were gone for the weekend at the Colorado River. We go every year for Memorial Day and throughout the summer. This trip was a bit interesting. We had some interesting people watching and we got attacked by killer bees when Mr. C and I took about 6 kids on a little explore by the railroad tracks to find glass balls and other cool stuff. We did find 2 glass balls, but soon after had to run out of there all the way back to the water screaming! Yes, we did look like one of those cartoons where they are frantically running away from bees right into the water. Except we were holding kids in our arms. I got away with only 2 stings and one of the little girls had one.

The rest of the trip was pretty normal. Oh, except for the cold windy day. Wind is normal, but cold at the river this time of year is crazy. We were wrapped up in towels. It's usually 100-110 right now at the river. The water is about 50, so it needs to be hot.

L finally has enough hair for me to do fun things with it.

 On the beach with my boy.

After a long day L was out!

C taking himself back to shore from the boat. The water is too cold. :-)

I hope you all had a fun Memorial Day weekend!


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