
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Thrifty Finds

I've seen people do this and I love it, so I've decided to do it myself. Today, I went to 3 thrift stores looking for sheets. We have this bird that comes every spring to mate. This spring it decided to fight the reflection of itself in my bedroom window or mate with it. So I needed to make a curtain to cover the window until we wake up. It starts pecking the window, literally at sun rise. Before the rooster even crows! So this is what I got at the thrift stores.

The shelf was not from the thrift store, my mother-in-law had it in her shed and it was just getting old and yucky so I asked if I can have it for my porch.  That one was free, the best kind of deal. At the stores I found a few cute plant holders, some sheets and an apron.

This plant holder was 99 cents at the Good Will. I usually don't buy from the Good Will because I find them to be highly overpriced. I have found Big Lots price tags still on an item and the Good Will is trying to sell it for more then Big Lots was. But this little bucket was perfect! There was no price so they gave it to me for 99 cents.

My other Good Will find was this little basket. Paint has come off in a couple of places so I was going to spray paint it, but I like how it looks on the shelf in this green.

This basket with "The handle that doesn't work" as L informed me when we got in the car, was at the Charity Thrift Store in a little strip mall by my house. It was $1.09 after tax. I thought it was cute for my shelf.

The last stop was a thrift store that supports the local christian college. I have heard about it and my MOPS mentor mom this year volunteers there. I have been wanting to go check it out for a very long time. There was a lot of cute stuff, but I had already gotten a couple things I was not looking for so stuck with the sheets.

I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do with these vintage looking sheets. If you have any ideas for me, please share them. :-)

This sheet, I know exactly what I am going to do! It will be perfect for a few pillow case dresses with black ribbon. 1 for L and the rest for friends, unless I actually do get an etsy shop up and running.

Well, I said I was going to stick with the sheets, but this old apron was just screaming at me to buy it. There is a dress that I want to make L and I just haven't found the perfect fabric. That is, until now. Now I have the PERFECT fabric.

So there you have it, these are my thrifty finds today. I spent $9 and some change on all of this. Very exciting.

I will be making that little yellow dress very soon, but you won't get to see it till next week. I will not be blogging till then. So, have a great memorial weekend and I would love to see your great deals you get over the weekend.


1 comment:

  1. Love your fabric finds! Especially the butterflies :) I have a little stash of thrifting finds (pillow cases, towels, hankies, etc) that I plan to convert into some great things this summer. Can't wait to see what you make with yours!
