
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Simple Refashion

I found this cute but big dress at the Salvation Army a while back.

I'm so sad, I LOVED the Salvation Army and it was about a mile at the most from my house. But, it burned down. I can't find any information on what happened or if it will be back. I don't think it will. 

Anyway, back to the dress. My husband actually spotted it and liked it. It was about 5 sizes too big, but I loved the light flowy material. So, I decided to get it anyway, it was only $2. I knew I could do something with it. I really liked the dress and didn't want to change it too much so I decided to cut it off where I would want my waist to be, sew a casing and add some elastic. That's it! I made a super cute, light and flowy skirt.

There is me with my belly slipping out. I'm trying to hold it in a bit, but we just had dinner. But, I want to give you the full effect of the skirt.

I really love it, it's so comfy and light weight.


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  1. Very pretty! Thrift store shopping and refashions are so much fun!

  2. I can see why you bought the dress - great fabric!

    I would love if you came and linked this project to my clothes upcycling page. It has a long term linky, so your project would stay there for more than just the week of a usual linky. We have over 80 projects linked up now – some fantastic ideas – and this month I’m upcycling lots of clothes and trying to feature lots of the links too!
    Do come and take a look!
