
Friday, May 20, 2011


Oh how I love cute socks. Especially soft ones. White socks are just so... well, plain. I especially love knitted socks. One year for Christmas, my husband bought me a pair of knitted socks from a patient of his at work. She didn't give him a price until after she finished the socks. He had no idea they would cost $30! $30 for a pair of socks?! That's a bit crazy. That took a big chunk of my Christmas present on socks. The socks are plain blue and not very stretchy, so they are hard to get on over my heal. But they are hand knitted so that is really cool and I do wear them.

Since I knit and I love knitted socks, I have wanted to knit a pair myself for SO long. Finally, this winter I found a great book at the library. It was so helpful, when I couldn't check it out anymore, I had to go and buy it for myself. I finally knitted my 1st sock. I don't have a picture of that sock because the size was a bit off and I don't know what I did with it. But I do have a picture of these beauties...

Yep, I knitted those all by myself. I love them! After the first sock was too small, I set right out to knit a pair in this, oh, so cute yarn! Don't they look great with jeans? I could wear them every day if I didn't care about being dirty. But, I do, so I don't.

Look, I even almost started at the same point on my yard for each sock. I love these colors. Maybe I will make another pair next winter. The only problem is the yarn is so thin the socks take me forever. Little C wants a pair of white socks with grey on the heal so bad. I started them. They will be ankle socks, I got down to the heal of one sock, but haven't gone any further. it's really tedious for me when I am knitting white socks with tiny yarn. But, when the winter hits, I love to knit, so I may finish then.

So, tell me, are you a sock lover, or is this some weird obsession I have?


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1 comment:

  1. I would LOVE to be able to knit socks... but just the thought of attempting that task scares me lol. I can knit and purl easily, in the process of making a massive blanket.. but socks are scary.
