
Saturday, July 26, 2014

Crater Lake

The world is big and I want to have a good look at it before it gets dark. - John Muir

It is amazing the different landscapes we have seen on this trip. Every time we move it's like starting a new vacation all over again. We left Bend to enjoy Crater Lake for a bit. I've read so much about it being the bluest and clearest lake most have ever seen. I wanted to see for myself. Crater Lake sure does live up what is said about it!

Getting to Crater Lake wasn't as easy as we thought. We left in the middle of a storm in Oregon and when we got to CNP, it had stopped raining. We saw fog in the distance up high, but we were thinking we would be going in it. Then it hit us out of nowhere! We were on this little tiny road that was on the edge with no guard rail. In most places the road is crumbling down a straight drop. See that white line in that picture. Right here you can see some of a slope going down, but in other spots, it was a 90 degree angle from that white line. I kept watching our side mirror watching the trailer wheels ride just inside of that line with Craig telling me to move out of his view. (Oops, but I was nervous.)

We finally got there and it was freezing! We finally got to have a fire. I think it was our 3rd camp fire of the entire trip. Most of the time it got dark too late, there were too many mosquitos to be outside at night or they weren't allowed.

L opted to stay inside because the fire didn't warm her up enough.

The next morning, L woke up and asked, "Why is it called Crater Lake National Park if there isn't a lake?" So we had to go out and show her the lake.

After our peak at the lake, Craig had to get some work done so we found a nice spot for him to work on the computer while the kids worked on their Jr. Ranger books.

Once we were done with our work, we took a hike down to the lake. I loved looking at that blue between the green trees.

Don't they look like they love each other? That happens sometimes.

We got down to the lake and were so disappointed we didn't have our suits. That girl swimming doesn't even look like she is underwater, it's so clear.

We did get to put our feet in. It wasn't as cold as I thought it would be. Actually the lake has only frozen over 3 times even though they get an average of 44 feet of snow each year.

Here is the visitor center where the kids got sworn in as Jr. Rangers.

And got to do a Jr. Ranger activity.

Another view of the lake with Wizard Island in the background. I couldn't stop taking pictures of it.

Here is the historic lodge.

Crater Lake is the deepest lake in the US and the 7th deepest in the world. There is no inlet or outlet so it is filled completely by snow and rain. The maximum clarity of the lake was measured at 134 ft in 1994! I think it is the 3rd clearest lake in the world.

Craig and C noticed how well the bark burned so they decided to collect a bunch from the ground (yes, this was allowed) and put it all on the fire at once. The fire got pretty big and kept getting bigger. 

So big that we noticed the tree was getting black near our picnic table! We had to pour water on it. C was so disappointed that we couldn't let it burn down.

After we leave here, we are headed to the Redwoods on the coast of CA. I can't believe it is almost over and we have to prepare to go home soon.

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