
Sunday, July 27, 2014

We are in CA!

 On the road again, our last stop, Redwoods, CA.

Leaving Oregon... I wish we could have seen the rainy side. We are already planning another trip with that part of Oregon, Mt. Rainer in Washington and Glacier again. I don't know when we'll get to do it, but it's definitely a trip we want to do.

The Klamath River heading to the ocean.

I love the tree lined streets...

and huge Redwoods!

And then of course! The coast. The beach is wonderful! Everything else was so beautiful and such a variety of scenery, but nothing beats the ocean. The waves, the vastness, the sand the kids can play in for hours...

Our last campsite, it's little and quaint.

C was very perplexed about this faucet.

How does the water come from nowhere?

We are right across from Patrick's Point State Park. We are able to walk right over after we got settled. 

It was fun to watch them look up at the huge trees in wonder. They said they look like Sequoias.

They were a little wild on the trail after the 4.5 hours in the car.

Ah-oh, which way? This park doesn't have any trail signs.

Here we are admiring the beach. It never gets old.

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