
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

How Many Trees Can little C climb?

Any fool can destroy trees. They cannot defend themselves or run away. And few destroyers of trees ever plant any; nor can planting avail much toward restoring our grand aboriginal giants. It took more than three thousand years to make some of the oldest of the Sequoias, trees that are still standing in perfect strength and beauty, waving and singing in the mighty forests of the Sierra. Through all the eventful centuries since Christ's time, and long before that, God has cared for these trees, saved them from drought, disease, avalanches, and a thousand storms; but he cannot save them from sawmills and fools; this is left to the American people. - John Muir

This quote isn't about the redwoods of the coast, but about their cousins in the Sierra, the Giant Sequoia's. I used it because it is completely fitting for the Redwoods as well. There are so few old growth forests left because these trees were logged so much. The old growth is so different then regrowth and it took thousands of years for them to become the giants that they are. It is amazing what these trees can withstand! God truly has cared for these trees through fire, floods, draughts and disease. These resistant trees took thousands of years to grow, but we can destroy a whole forest in a matter of days. 

One thing I love about the Sequoias and Redwoods, besides the huge trees of course, is how lush it is on the forest floor. The ferns covering the ground are like a green velvet carpet.

Needless to say, as soon as I heard about fern canyon, I had to see it. It is 50 foot walls of ferns along a little creek.

All along the canyon, were fallen trees that we had to walk under or step over to pass. This walk took us FOREVER! When you are traveling with a monkey, aka: C the tree climbing maniac, through an area with fallen trees all over the place, it's going to take some time.

I had to pull him down from the trees just for a picture now and then.

Yep, another tree.

L didn't mind the waiting around, she would just pose and say, "Mama, take a picture of me now." "Take a picture of me like this." "Now, like this..." It went on and on.

There he is up another tree...

 And another...

"Why doesn't everybody just go in the tree, so I can get a picture of all of you." (Me)

There were so dang many trees to climb.

I love the moss that grows everywhere.

The canyon looped around the top through an old growth grove of trees. Most people either didn't want to climb up about 50 feet or didn't realize it looped around.

I'm so glad we continued on, even after another group said the hike ended in the canyon. We got a very different perspective and with no other people around; We had the forest to ourselves to look at these tall, tall trees.

I'm not sure why this pose was picked. But she really wanted a picture like this.

And back into the canyon. Little C so badly wanted to climb "Just one more tree."

L got more pictures in front of the lovely ferns.

and took one of us while we all waited for the monkey in the tree.

We continued our drive through Prairie Creek Redwoods National and State Parks and stopped at a couple trails along the way. It is amazing how a tree can be burned out the middle and have limbs growing years later on the outside.

We never did find which tree was the "Corkscrew Tree." There are so many trail crossings in this park with no signs.

We did have a wonderful nice walk through the forest though... until C had to go to the bathroom. Yep, just like the beginning of this long trip, back in Yellowstone. It seems like so long ago!

Tomorrow we will check out the beaches of Northern CA.

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