
Saturday, March 12, 2016

Re-finishing Oak

If you have been following for a little while, you have slowly seen the Mr. C's office transform. We have been working on the front waiting room but have not been able to finish it. In the mean time, here is the magazine rack that I have re-finished.

I have mentioned before that oak is everywhere. I wanted to update this magazine rack.

I filled in the wood grain with some stainable wood fill.

Then sanded it down smooth.

I wanted to show the difference, so on the inside of the rack, I didn't fill the in the wood grain. You can still see all those tiger stripes in the oak.

Here is the front where I filled and sanded. Quite a difference in the look of the wood. It still has some variation in the color, but it does not at all look the same.

Here is the finished rack! I was really happy with the way it turned out.

Yes, the wall is a different color. But, I can't do a final reveal of the waiting area because there are a couple major things that are not finished and it just looks, well... unfinished. Even a couple patients have asked if we are moving... Hopefully we can change that soon.

In case you missed them, her are some posts on the hallway and Mr. C's office.


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