
Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Last Day in La Fortuna

Our last day in La Fortuna... no set plans, just gonna explore.

Every morning, we start start our day off at this exact table. We were seated here our first night and we loved it because it is right on the edge and there are no walls or windows on the restaurant. 

Every meal, this little green guy comes out to greet us.

While waiting for Dr. C, the kids and I went outside to take a few pictures around the hotel restaurant.

We decided we couldn't leave La Fortuna without seeing the hanging bridges. Personally, I liked the bridges we walked over before zip lining better. But, I am glad I got to see these also.

There is a wild boar down there if you look very, very closely.

And a wild monkey!

After the bridges and a very long nap for me, back to the pools to relax.

L is at the top of the slide ready to go down.

And there is Dr. C shooting out of the slide like a cannon.

Why stay at 1 pool when you have 10 to enjoy.

These are some private pools with 2 seats and jets in each.

After the pools, we went into town to eat at a Soda and have an after dinner treat. There is this neat grassy area in the middle of town, so we sat and relaxed there. It was quite busy, lots of families and not a single child on an electronic. They were all running around with each other playing with soccer balls, scooters and tag. You know, the old fashion stuff.

C & L were twirling around and then having races and a little 1 yr old was trying to chase after them.

Here is a summer salt race.

It was so much fun just being a part of the town this night! Some of the parents came up and introduced themselves to us and we chatted a bit as much as we could with our limited Spanish. Again, people have been so nice everywhere we go around here, not just the workers on the tours.

I am excited to see the beach.


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