
Sunday, July 24, 2016

More exploring this wonderful country!

There is just something special about Costa Rica! Everywhere we go, the people are so kind and helpful! The beauty is unreal, the jungle never quiets, and the weather is perfect. I love the feeling of walking through the pouring rain with nothing but shorts and a tank top on and it’s warm. When it is not raining, it has been perfect weather also. They say it gets hot here, but I don’t know if I believe it. 

Each day has seemed like 2 days here. We have our morning adventure then come back for some down time (reading for the kids, nap for the adults) then our afternoon activity. Today just like every day we started with our buffet breakfast at the hotel where the hugest butterfly was on the wall. It was probably 3 inches across.

 Then we took a little walk while we waited for our tour to pick us up for repelling down some waterfalls. 

On the drive to the waterfall that we repelled from we road in the back of a tiny pick up truck on a rocky road.

This is just the inside of a bathroom. I don't know, but maybe Dr. C is obsessed with bathrooms in other places. I always find pictures of them. It's either that or he is amazed at how clean they are.

L all ready to go...

There goes C...

L 1/2 way down...

We took a different road back from the waterfall, this one is a little less bumpy.

Arenal Volcano from observation point, when the clouds are not there, you can see smoke coming out of the top. The sky is constantly changing here!

Observation point...

This trip reminded us when little C was in kindergarten and he wanted to be a bird watcher for about a year of his life. We reminded him and he thought that was so crazy, didn't remember it and said how it would be so boring.

Later we went to La Fortuna Falls for a little swim.

It is 500 steps down to the falls. Little C counted to make sure they were correct.

A little too crowded to our taste, but I'm glad we didn't skip it.

Someone is happy he made it back up. I don't know why it was so hard, little C and I had to wait for him at the top. Maybe he needs to hit the gym more.

We found a little Soda for dinner. That a little family owned local restaurant then went for a walk through town.

C & L picked out some souvenirs.

And it poured on us. Big C, little C, & L ran back to the car while I walked.

It poured for the rest of the evening till about 8 or 9, but that didn't stop us from a little night swimming.

Apparently it didn't stop anyone else either since this is the most crowded I have seen the pool.

Pura Vida,


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