I figured out the perfect thing to make, a trooper hat. You know the kind?
Yes, I did just use L's soccer ball as the head to showcase the hat I was talking about.
I loved the print and it was perfect for this hat. I used Mr. C's hat as a guide for little C's hat.
I made my pattern, sewed the outside together, then sewed the fleece lining. After that I sewed the lining and outside wool together.
This is with the front flap down, before I sewed on the buttons. C actually likes it like this because his head gets hot with it up.
Here it is with the buttons. C wants me to add elastic to the ear flaps so they are connected. Good idea.
From this view, it looks a little like a helmet. That's ok, it probably won't when he is wearing his big jacket in the snow. I think for the next one, I need to make the bottom piece a little longer and the ear flaps a little wider.
I made the plaid not match. I thought it would look a little better that way.
Now L wants one in pink. You may be seeing that soon with my little improvements.
Where I am linking...

I love this idea. I would like to do something like this (or a blanket) with the babies out grown preemie clothing. Thanks for the idea.
Awesome! I think my son would love this!